Remember all of that caregiving that you gave to your ex, all that mental energy to fulfill his needs and make him happy? Well, guess…
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Let’s talk about the care-giving chord. Here is the mate you cared for when sick, made dinner for, scheduled doctor appointments for, etc., for however…
Comments closedSo sadly, when you break up, you not only lose your significant other, you lose about half of your friends. Your good friends. They may…
Comments closedI know this seems weird to say after all the pain you’ve been through, but you need to teach yourself something really important. You need…
Comments closedWhen a relationship ends, there are a million chords that have to be cut. And I don’t mean just the emotional ones. There are the…
Comments closedHey Wallowers, cut it out. I know how comfortable the Rabbit Hole is, but you must force yourself out of it, and into your new…
Comments closedWhen I was younger, I’d see bag ladies on the street talking to themselves. I’d think, “How’d you come to this? Something awful must have…
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