Once we hit a certain age, Society and the Medical Community and a myriad of talk show hosts nag us about lifting weights, doing yoga, and strengthening our core. That’s all well and good if that’s what you are into.
For me, after being left at the age of fifty and having to completely restart my life, I needed Emotional Resiliency more than anything else.
Much like arm muscles or abs with some definition, there is no one way to achieve this type of resilience. I had to figure it out myself and since that took me years, I thought I’d put out there what worked for me.
How did I become emotionally resilient? Here’s a listicle:
Meditate. It’s not magic, it’s breathing! Sitting and breathing. That’s pretty easy. I had made the mistake early on of trying to sit still for twenty minutes to a half hour. But a friend who teaches meditation told me I could start with ten seconds. Progress to thirty seconds. See how that feels to me. It really felt good. When something feels good, I stick with it. After about six weeks, I got to ten whole minutes. After twelve weeks or so I got to my own personal magic number of twenty entire minutes! I didn’t really believe that would ever be possible. I am here to tell you it is!
Once this became a part of my life, not always every day or anything but often enough, I was on to the next step.
Throw that stuff out! You have your own personal material objects that need to go away. Donate. Toss. Sell. I hated this at first. Felt like a waste of time. Until I started walking into my place and feeling more relaxed. Looking around and smiling instead of denigrating myself for living in a disheveled environment. I got so into it I even organized my closet according to color! I get dressed in less than five minutes now. Plus it’s no longer an embarrassment.
Feel Safe. Are you prepared for when things go wrong? Get what’s missing that’s keeping you off kilter in case of emergency. Buy some tools. Emergency supplies for your home and your car. Jumper cables. Flares and stuff. Batteries. A loud self-defense whistle. Whatever keeps you up at night, or when driving alone. I am here to tell you, this is a huge stress-easer! I have candles, extra water, and medicine. Two huge flashlights, one for home, one for the car, and LED road flares are now on the way!
This is all part of my emotional resilience these days. Partly due to the world we live in. Partly due to adjusting to living alone with no man around to help me in an emergency.
Now that we are done making Holiday Gift Lists and the like, consider making your own Emotionally Resilient List. You will be more resilient in the new year. Give it a go!
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!