It’s exciting that the cover of TIME magazine is all of the women standing up to sexual harassment by naming their accusers. Is it time…
Leave a CommentTag: Diane Burroughs
How does hot sex give way to cool handshakes? After over two decades together, a virus had infected our marriage. It had devolved from a…
Leave a CommentWhen you’ve been Leftat50 and your friends encourage you to “get out there” and when that is “Disaster Date” territory, they remind you to “Take…
2 CommentsHey Cheaters, Mistresses-in-Waiting, Adulterers, Gold-diggers and Basic N’er do Wells who Make Nice Women’s Lives Hell. How’s it going? Have you had an illicit rendevouz…
Leave a CommentDear CEO, I am applying for the best job ever – Life Remaker. I couldn’t help but see your ad – it seems women everywhere…
Leave a CommentDo you reminisce about your “heydays?” Back when you were stronger, more athletic, practiced the piano 8 hours a day, had visible eyebrows, stuff like…
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