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Mental Fitness Workouts: Lift the weight off your heart

Mental fitness workouts can do wonders. Menopause can cause all kinds of mood swings. From tears to hysterical laughter in nine seconds flat. During middle age, all women experience physical changes. Weight gain or loss. The “grays” popping up everywhere. Sleep interruptions.

Mental health is also a factor.

For some reason, physicians seem to skip any questions regarding emotional upheavals, even though almost every woman experiences them.

They treat us with a pat on the knee and the knowledge that there is no cure. Doctors provide zero information as to how long this distressing condition may last.

As usual, ladies our age have to fend for themselves. Just live with it and hope it doesn’t last too long. When left at 50, are we sad over that or are hormones exacerbating the anxiety and depression?

Has a doctor ever offered you a single menopausal mental health solution? I have had to figure it out on my own.

Over the thirteen years (!) I’ve been going through peri-menopause and then the Big Kahuna, I’ve devised some mental health improvement methods.

I had no choice. I wanted to stay in bed and watch television for the rest of my life. In black and white.

Working out is a big part of my sanity. Going to a dance class gets me up and moving. Music is naturally easy to move to, even if you are not a fitness junkie. I find that discovering new songs in class leaks into other areas of my life, like finding fun international radio stations on my satellite radio. Music can alter your mood. If a song that makes me teary comes on, I switch the station.

Experimenting with new foods has been a fun diversion that has paid unexpected dividends. I joined a fruit and vegetable delivery service that brings slightly imperfect foods to my door every Monday.

Now I’m cooking new recipes to incorporate the new finds. No longer am I driving to the store to buy fruits and veggies that have probably rolled on the floor.

I have fun new talking points at dinner parties or at professional women’s networking events. It’s fun to share my finds and see someone take down the info. My negative situation is now one that is positively influencing other ladies’ lives. It’s like I’ve taken my Leftat50 blog live! This also gives me a mental health boost.

If you are struggling with the myriad symptoms of the Change on top of that other big starting over your entire life thing, perhaps consider what new activities you can begin.

It just may have a positive impact. Think it over and take the step to take actual steps for your mental health. I hope this helps. If not, go to a doctor who will listen to what is really going on with you and actually do something. None of this is easy but believe me, it’s worth a try.

We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!

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