In the midst of this pandemic, we are all concentrating on what is wrong in our lives. Every moment seems so fragile and out of our control. This is very stressful.
I decided to focus on what is RIGHT with me. The things that despite a worldwide pandemic, are still going well. More than just okay. That is a list no one is thinking of making right now, as the World as we have known it, unravels in ways beyond our control.
When I was Left at 50, besides the heartache of his betrayal, there was a ruthless self-evaluation that ensued. It focused on all of the negative things about myself. It took a while for me to realize that being left at fifty from a completely loveless union would be the best thing that could have happened.
Applying those skills now has become a new focus as we head into month three of this New Abnormal. As a woman left, I have lived through a version of this already. I have survived and even THRIVED! You too? We are more resilient copers of this huge Forever Life Adjustment than a lot of other folks.
Who knew? I have decided that in order to not be Nuts Stressed for however many months or years (!) this pandemic may stretch into, that I have a choice. The option to focus on what is right with me. This. Very. Second. Or minute or hour or day or week or month.
When I sit down to make this What Is Right With Me list, my psyche tells me it’s an impossible task. But then, I put pen to paper and do not block myself from looking at my life differently.
What is right with me is an absence of the stress of Doing. I always think I could be doing more. Surely, I’m not doing enough. This person or that person I know is having huge life wins and I’m not. Must be my fault.
But none of this is true in the age of Covid. It is oddly leveling the playing field. Because none of us can go out. We can’t go to work. We actually cannot even plan for the future. No one on Earth knows when this will end! What an Equalizer! We all have the same amount of “Nothing I Can Do!”
When on Earth has this ever happened before? Where every human is under the same threat? And every action could be the difference between Life and Death? Literally!
I ask again, what is right with you? Are you blessed and stressed due to the lack of a packed schedule? Are you cooking and baking more? Are you sleeping in some days instead of up at the crack of dawn? Can you let the laundry sit in the basket for an extra couple of days? Can you actually make a meal plan that you can execute?
I’m not insinuating this Pandemic is a vacation. What it is is a pause. A pause we all needed. My gosh, look up at the clearest skies we’ve ever had! Take a breath. Take a bath. Take a nap. The future is unknown. But I have news for you – it has ALWAYS been!
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!