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When You’re a Fan It’s All or Nothing. Sometimes that includes skipping college to see Aerosmith

Recently, I went to Las Vegas to see my favorite band, Aerosmith and it harkened me back to other times I’ve seen the band there. I was reminded of the heights their fans will go to see them. We call ourselves The Blue Army.

Several years ago, I went to the MGM Grand in Vegas to see them. If you don’t know this, when you’re an “Aero-fan” at a concert, it’s like everyone is part of the same family. We all share stories of where we’ve seen them, how long we’ve been fans. There’s a camaraderie that’s very sweet. It doesn’t know any age or nationality or personality. We are all just part of it, hoping they sing this song, or that song or some vintage hit from the past. (Mine is “Seasons of Wither.”)

When I saw them back in 2007, there were two girls from Japan in my row. I got to speaking with these young ladies.

They revealed to me that they had just graduated from high school and their parents’ present was they could either go see Aerosmith in Las Vegas, or they could go to college! The girls amazingly, took the Aerosmith option.

At the time I could not believe it! I was completely shocked that parents would allow their kids to do this. To fly all the way here by themselves and see Aerosmith instead of getting a college education! It seemed unbelievably nuts to me.

Back then, my adult personage was one hundred percent certain they were going to regret this careless decision. But now I wonder if they do? I wonder if it’s a memory of their youth that they tell their children, co-workers, and friends. I have never seen happier people at a concert than those two incredibly excited girls, having the adventure of their lives.

It got me to thinking. Are there things in my own life I’ve always thought about doing that I haven’t done because it wouldn’t be practical? It seems out of the realm of my normal day-to-day life? And so, I pack it up in my Suitcase of Dreams and never take it out and actually experience it?

For years and years, I’ve babbled on about going to the rainforest in Costa Rica. But I have never actually planned the trip. Oh, I’ve looked at pictures online of all the amazing birds and flowers that live there. Clearly, I am the one keeping it my dream instead of my reality.

Do you have a Suitcase of Dreams? Of challenges and places yet to explore? Like those two girls who spent their college money on Aerosmith, sometimes doing instead of dreaming is worth it. Perhaps it’s time for us all to add a new chapter to our own personal histories. Unpack that suitcase and start living our dreams!

We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!

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