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Relationship Road: When his Sexting Leads to our Nexting

Being with a cheater is like being with someone who is texting while they are driving the car you are the passenger in.  They know how dangerous it is to the the survival of the relationship, but they don’t care.  There’s no stopping their behavior.

It’s obvious that it is dangerous and wrong, and the crash is inevitable. Wives feel completely helpless, as we are in this person’s hands and have no idea where he is headed. There is no controlling the wheel.  In a split second our future can be ruined.  But this is not an accident.  It’s intentional. A purposeful swerving off the road.  That’s what causes the most serious injuries.

The actual version of this for Leftat50’s is sexting.  Happening by his cell to see that he is cheating on you through the phone.

His own personal life is different on this phone than the life he shares with you.  Word, texts videos! It is creepy.

The challenge with finding out this way is the confrontation.

He will know that you dared to look at his phone.  Instead of feeling caught and ashamed he will try to use your “nosiness” against you.  “How dare you invade my privacy!” To this I say, “How dare you ruin our marriage!”

His lifeline to his soon-to-be new life is a devastating turn of events in our own.  The horrible realization that this person who has been sharing our lives has split himself in two.

She gets the kind, turned on, gift-giver.  We have been living with the sullen, silent no-eye-contact conniver.

Yes the confrontation is difficult.  I mulled over my own for months in fact. Partly because I was so creeped out I did not want to believe it.

Who is this Other Man to his Other Woman? And what do they say about me?  Are they plotting the right time to break my heart once and for all?

Do they have a good chuckle over it? Or is it merely an afterthought?  The inevitable realization of their life plan together.  Their new forever.

The Forever that changed mine forever.

A real crash happens in a split second, so we are not prepared.  A break-up may take it’s time but still, we are taken off-guard.  Our hearts and minds want to go back to the joy ride of our youth.

In the end, we gloriously realize we have swerved onto the first road we saw and ended up loving it!  The charming little town we stopped in for tea is our new address.  We can stop holding our breath here.  Play our own music.  Enjoy the ride of the rest of our lives. Realizing their sexting led to our “nexting” and loving it!

We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!

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