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Dear Hallow Eves: How Does The World See Your “Me” Costume?

Halloween is upon us and we “Hallow Eves” who are now single strutters can use this day for a “Me-Check”.  Looking in the mirror with no objective other than to evaluate the costume we don each day.  Are we accurately reflecting who we really are to the world?

After being left, the world felt like a never-ending Halloween.  My “home” became the Haunted House. Especially in the creepiness of the night.  Was that a noise downstairs in this house I am now alone in? The crack of a stick? Maybe a squirrel.  That upstairs rattle? Just the wind.  Or is it?

As a newbie left at 50, the flashlight was grabbed and I floated around my kitchen and living room like a ghost of my former self, making sure all was safe.  It wasn’t because the neighborhood was riddled with criminals.  It was merely a life adjustment, the one of taking care of everything all by myself.  Of believing I could take are of everything.  Then actually taking care of everything with no hesitation over my decisions. Little by little the hunched over Me stood taller.  Smiling was not a chore and I created a brand new “Me” costume.  Soon the word “costume” fell away because this was not some fakery.  It was not the Ghost of Diane Past. This was New Me! Miss Present!  Miss Future!

Who IS this person and who cast this spell on her?

New Me Lady likes to wear boots and dresses instead of my old sweatsuit One Size Bigger For Comfort look.

ALL of the hole-y, old, washed-a-thousand-times concert tees I slept in have been thrown out and replaced with lovely light cotton (hot flashers best friend) knits. New sleep socks and one of those battery operated candles that look real shines beside my bed as my new reading lamp.  This is fun!

After the horror show that being cheated on and left is, it is easy to allow doubts, self-blame and hateful emotions take residence in our attics.  

Unfortunately, doing this may keep us from conducting a thorough self evaluation.  We need  time for that spell of Self-Doubt we cast on ourselves to be broken. And when that happens there is the realization that we have grown and changed and need to share that person with the world.  Assets galore have been packed away and need to be taken out to sparkle in the light of day.

That old hunched over beaten down “Me” costume is in the trash heap the New You happily bulldozed over.  Different versions of our Newfound Selves abound as we expand and explore.  We glance in the mirror and see an enthusiasm reflected in our eyes. We lipstick ourselves, smile and head out knowing we are proud of the work we’ve put in on ourselves.  For ourselves.  The Free Me’s, the Well-rested Well fed Me’s, the Sexy Me’s the Style All Our Own Me’s, we walk this world together now, we bravely bound down creaky stairs.  We float out the plethora of opened windows in our psyches, ready to Flaunt the world.

We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!

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