With all the new tech on the internet, I’ve really fallen in love with the “virtual try-on” feature that lots of stores have. How great to not have to go to a store and put glasses on your face that who knows how many people have had on their own greasy mugs?
In this new Covid reality, to think I put them on my face! Where my eyes are. That’s preposterous now.
It’s like mask-wearing. I have not had a single cold in eighteen months. Why would I want to suddenly unmask? It seems nuts to allow billions of germs to fly up my nose on a plane. Not that I’m flying anywhere, these days. It’s cold and flu season. And the holidays. Mask wearing makes sense to me in that I don’t want to be sick. I may mask anyway just not to catch a cold. I won’t care who yells at me.
This idea of living in virtual reality as a normal everyday experience got me wondering. In the future, will we all be able to virtually try on our entire lives? Meet a virtual man on a virtual date.
How great would that be? We could pick the restaurant with no complaints. Price would be no option. Food would arrive served hot and perfectly delicious.
Heck, we could program the entire conversation with our “first date.” He could rave and rave about our intellect. Go nuts over our world travels. The massive successes we’ve had in life would wildly impress him.
There’d be no conversations about his ex-wife, his no-good kids, or his boss who doesn’t appreciate him. We could program him to always have been single. He’d be the CEO of his own corporation. Not intimidated by our success. No playing anything down. We will trumpet every life-win!
I am not speaking for all of you. I’m saying that would be my virtual life. Oh, how I’d love to try that on for size. I could stay or go, or change the location instantly to an exotic city.
Life alas, is not like that at all. Recently, I lost two girlfriends from my high school days. One from breast cancer. The other sadly took her own life. These are the things we go through.
Take some time to daydream. Snuggle into a hot bath. Plant yourself at a lake, ocean, or the top of a mountain if that’s feasible. This pandemic may drag on through next year. I’m already mentally preparing myself for that possibility. The term virtually used to mean almost. We’d say we were “virtually left in tears.” Today, let’s aim to be left in smiles too. For reals.
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!