You never thought you’d become Clingy Sadwoman. You know her. The woman who won’t let the dead marriage die. The woman who pines for the…
Comments closedCategory: Laugh
When you suddenly find yourself alone, you may feel cheated by the “Powers that Be”. Those unknown concepts that we put our faith in when…
Comments closedThis morning, I saw a couple riding a tandem bike. That goofy looking thing that was called a “bicycle built for two” when we were…
Comments closedWhen you are licking your wounds over the demise of a long-term relationship, (even one that ended horribly), a weird thing can happen… Instead of…
Comments closedOne of the weird things that happened to me after being left was that I developed this “Perfect House” affliction. I wanted every nook and…
Comments closedI know somedays you will simply want to feel sorry for yourself. To dwell on the negative. The sky could be the brightest blue, but…
Comments closedWhen you know you are no longer loved by him, you stop loving yourself. But it is so important that you take the time to…
Comments closedIf you look up whimsical in the dictionary, you will see that one of the definitions is: “Oddly out of the Ordinary, Fanciful, Freakish.” What?…
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