Valentines Day is approaching. If you were left at 50, it still can feel like the “Valentine Minefield” instead of just another day. Because it’s not just another day. What’s in every store you walk through? What is every commercial about? Flowers, and candy and diamond rings, and blah, blah blah. You can be the bitter one who pooh-poohs it and says it’s just a made up holiday to sell cards and flowers. Or you can accept a gift I am giving you. A template for a Relationship Goodbye Letter. You can read it and expound on it anyway you please. So here we go:
Dear Relationship with Blank,
Well, it’s Valentine’s Day. The perfect day to write a Goodbye Letter to Our Relationship. It’s been over for quite some time now (especially for you). So as of this day and this letter, I am signing off also.
This is a letter of Acceptance of What Is. Of Letting Go of What Was, so that my heart and mind can heal. To help make me steady on my own two feet as I move on.
First and foremost, there will be no more expectations. Whenever I may start to have Magical Thinking about a phone call from you, I’ll make myself stop.
I’ll tell myself, “It’s not about Him anymore, it’s about Me.” This day is what I choose to make it. Happiness or Heartache. I choose happiness.
I feel I am stronger everyday and the faith I had in myself, so shaken for so long, is returning.
The tears are gone for the most part. I will fondly remember the good times, but only now and then. Not a pining heart, just a blip. I no longer hold out any hope of ever hearing from or seeing you again. Thank you for all the good times we shared. They give me hope that I will find them again, with someone who truly honors, appreciates and treasures who I am.
Happy Valentine’s Day to All You Left at 50’s. We will get through this one together! xoxoxo
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!
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