You never thought you’d become Clingy Sadwoman. You know her. The woman who won’t let the dead marriage die. The woman who pines for the ex who’s already remarried and started an entirely new life. The one who “fakes happy” at social events and fools no one.
Or worse, are you acting like the woman in a cheesy disaster movie? The pathetic gal who, when the Towering Inferno is burning down around her is still hanging onto the windowsill by her fingertips and screaming, even though just below her a dozen (cute) firemen are holding a safe place for her to fall If She Would Just Let Go??!!
You know you are better than that, smarter than that and think more of yourself than that. Plus, this clinging behavior runs the risk of ruining your awesome new gel manicure. So peel your fingers off the burning ledge of your past relationship.
You will be fine and free and go on to find the safe new place.
Become the heroine at the end of your own “disaster movie” (aka your marriage/divorce).
You are now the hot, sexy, woman who walks away from the falling ashes of the calamity she just conquered, into the blazing horizon of a new day. Cause I think we all agree there’s a kick-ass Angelina Jolie in all of us!
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!
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