Yelling/Silence/Hateful Stare/Separate Meals/Separate Beds. Never knowing when/if he’s coming home. But there’s NO DISCUSSING any of this anymore. It’s all just a given. Two separate lives in one home. Awkward Necessary Interactions, in A House You Share With A Man Who Will Not Look You In The Eye.
All of these dysfunctional things became part of your “Normal Life” while your relationship was unravelling. You were confused, hurt, worried and angry. Living this way, you started to have nagging physical issues – Back-ache, neck-ache, head-ache, break-outs, insomnia and stomach issues – (Tons of those, right?). All of these awful life moments were caused by the reality that you were living a “Life” that really didn’t exist anymore.
This may have gone on for years. And Then He Left. In the immediate aftermath you were sad, furious, scared and down on yourself. But now you see your life in an entirely new way! You love the silence, or the laughter, or the music, of this living space you’ve made your own. You are free! You are on your way to whatever life you create for yourself. How amazing is that? Just think about what you went through, what you’ve come through and where you are now. YOU did this. I am so happy for you! And if the wounds are still fresh for some of you, please know that This Day is Coming For You Too. Because what Destiny’s Child sang is true for us too: “I’m a Survivor, I’m not ‘gon give up, I’m not ‘gon stop, I’m ‘gon work harder, I’m a survivor, I’m gonna make it!” And so are we, ladies!
We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!
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