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#NoSizeFitsAll – At Last!

Of all the empowering campaigns aimed at women’s self-esteem of late, #NoSizeFitsAll makes me the happiest!  No matter what side of the “female perfection spectrum” you may fall on, I’m sure you too are sick of being made to feel you are not the “standard of beauty.” (See Trump’s latest debacle).

“Just like men, women come in all shapes and sizes.  Big whoop.”

Smashing down that phony ideal, one that has plagued women for decades and caused untoward suffering (eating disorders et. al) may be one of the most empowering by-products of the New Feminism Movement.

And it’s about time.

Women it seems, from the time we are little girls playing with our dollies, have been programmed that we all must be thin and pretty.  Some women are even tattooing make-up on their faces forever.  God forbid they not be made-up in their sleep.

Just like men, women come in all shapes and sizes.  Big whoop.  Leave us alone!  However nature made us, that is what we now celebrate!  We can breathe freely (girdle-free at last!) and celebrate our curves instead of hiding them.

We can throw away the cookie-cutter mold and eat as many cookies as we want.  We will still find a beautiful dress or pants or whatever we want to wear and be who we are.  In ease and comfort!

This makes me so happy for the younger generation of women coming of age at this time.  And for the rest of us, what a revolution!  We can swing open our closet doors and yell, “Viva la pants!”  Whatever size they are.

The best part is, now that the doors have swung open, they are unlikely to slam shut.  It will feel too good to ever want to go back.  And it seems like for the first time ever the fashion industry is actually jumping on “the trend (!)” that women come in all shapes and sizes, and making stylish clothes for all.

What a great time to be yourself.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna jump into some comfortable pants.  It’s been a long week.

We all go through major life transitions when relationships end… Through this website, I will share my thoughts as I walk the path of “New-Self” discovery. It doesn’t matter which side of 50 you are on. The real question is, Are you ready to live life? To forge a Path of Your Own Making (For a change!)? Then stop dwelling over the What-Might-Have-Beens and join me. Share your thoughts here, comment on mine, and let’s do this together!

One Comment

  1. Barbara Richards Barbara Richards

    It’s about time! Thank you!

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